The Pope himself, if notoriously guilty of heresy, would cease to be Pope because he would cease to be a member of the Church”~The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Heresy,” 1914, Vol. 7~
Anathema sit antipope Bergoglio

Monday, August 31, 2015

Just shocking.. Vatican II officially backs plan to name Rome square for Martin Luther

On January 3, 1521, Pope Leo X issues the papal bull Decet Romanum Pontificem, which excommunicates Martin Luther from the Catholic Church. In the tremendous powerful
EXSURGE DOMINE  Encyclical, Pope Leo X condemned Luther's errors and heresies :

"Arise, O Lord, and judge Thy own cause. Remember Thy reproaches to those who are filled with foolishness all through the day. Listen to our prayers, for foxes have arisen seeking to destroy the vineyard whose winepress Thou alone have trod. When Thou were about to ascend to Thy Father, Thou committed the care, rule, and administration of the vineyard, an image of the triumphant Church, to Peter, as the head and Thy vicar and his successors. The wild boar from the forest seeks to destroy it and every wild beast feeds upon it."

( According to the Pope Leo X, Martin Luther was a fox under the spell of a wild boar - and the wild boar was the devil)

Rise, Peter, and fulfill this pastoral office divinely entrusted to you as mentioned above. Give heed to the cause of the holy Roman Church, mother of all churches and teacher of the faith, whom you by the order of God, have consecrated by your blood. Against the Roman Church, you warned, lying teachers are rising, introducing ruinous sects, and drawing upon themselves speedy doom. Their tongues are fire, a restless evil, full of deadly poison. They have bitter zeal, contention in their hearts, and boast and lie against the truth.

We beseech you also, Paul, to arise. It was you that enlightened and illuminated the Church by your doctrine and by a martyrdom like Peter's. For now a new Porphyry rises who, as the old once wrongfully assailed the holy apostles, now assails the holy pontiffs, our predecessors."

[..] If, however, this Martin, his supporters, adherents and accomplices, much to our regret, should stubbornly not comply with the mentioned stipulations within the mentioned period, we shall, following the teaching of the holy Apostle Paul, who teaches us to avoid a heretic after having admonished him for a first and a second time, condemn this Martin, his supporters, adherents and accomplices as barren vines which are not in Christ, preaching an offensive doctrine contrary to the Christian faith and offend the divine majesty, to the damage and shame of the entire Christian Church, and diminish the keys of the Church as stubborn and public heretics.

The Vatican II ( read the ape of the Holy Catholic Church ) has given its backing to a central Rome square being named after Martin Luther, a church reformer excommunicated by the Pope nearly 500 years ago.

A German Catholic priest and theologian, Luther was a key figure in the Protestant Reformation and sparked considerable controversy by challenging the authority of the Catholic Church. He denounced the corruption he saw among clergy in Rome and believed salvation came through faith alone — views that did not sit well with Pope Leo X.

Luther was excommunicated in 1521 and was never allowed to return to the Catholic Church, but now the Vatican’s views have changed.

Next month a hilltop square in Rome is due to be named Piazza Martin Lutero, in memory of Luther’s "achievements"

One of the greatest "achievements" of Luther was to call the Pope Leo X satan and entire Catholic Church the seat of anti-Christ !!!! Obviously Luther was describing himself, because he was one of the greatest apostates.
Still , no surprise that Francis call me Jorge is set to rehabilitate Luther! clearly that he's not disturbed to be depicted as an anti-Christ...

Conclusion : 
If anyone holds to a single heresy, he is not a Catholic. ("On Heresies" - Saint Augustine )

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